• Monrad Kendall posted an update 2 years, 2 months ago

    Social activism is basically an intentional act with the intention of bringing about socio-economic change. It can also be defined as citizens taking active participation in public issues that affect their community. An active member of any community or group is one who is actively involved in socio political activity and politics. Activists may come from any walk of life and are usually grouped according to ethnicity, occupation or religion.

    Activism can be classified into various forms. There are various types of social activism. It can be broadly divided into two broad categories. One is civil society and the other is political action. In addition there is also private social activism.

    Civil society includes non-governmental organizations (NGOs), trade unions, local communities, political parties, NGOs, churches, etc. Civil society has various forms. For agency dealing with the protection of human rights. Such activists are called human rights activists. They have to promote and support the human rights values.

    Another form of social activism is political engagement. Here there is a specific social agenda such as improving social conditions in some specific communities or areas, political rights and benefits of a specific community or political party. The other common type of social activism is environmental social change where the environment is the major issue. A part of this social change is civil disobedience, direct action and other forms of peaceful civil disobedience.

    Private social action is comparatively less widespread than either of the two other forms of social activism mentioned above. Private social action is often initiated by concerned friends, family members or colleagues. agency can also be initiated by an individual. There are many forms of this form of social activism.

    agency of the forms of social activism is organizing social movements. There are four roles of an organizer. These are Revealed – the leader who claims the responsibility for the overall strategy and organizing process; known as cadre; the followers who take up the role of ensuring that the leader’s plans are carried out; and the passive or non-active group who only give their support, and not take active participation. Organizers have to explain their reasons clearly to their followers so that they can properly motivate them to participate. They have to ensure that their motives are justifiable and their actions are legally sound. Most importantly organizers have to ensure that their actions respect the four roles defined.

    Another important aspect of social activism is participation. It is the ability to engage others in the movement for social change by utilizing a strategy of influence. Engaging includes making contacts with others who might be sympathetic to the cause, publicizing the movement, putting together training, planning events, fundraising, and other ways to make social change become visible. Activists have to make use of every opportunity that comes their way to participate in events, meetings, demonstrations, conferences, and other activities that promote social justice.

    Activists have to keep in mind that a salary range does not always coincide with the amount of visibility an organizer can achieve. The size of a movement can be compared to a very large company. The bigger the company, the more expensive it becomes to join in. On the other hand, the number of supporters an organizer has the better compensation she can expect to receive. A larger number of supporters will make it easier to reach a wider audience and will enable an advocate to bring about changes more effectively.

    Social activists have different average salaries because of the diverse experiences they have had in the role of social activism. An organizer with a college degree will obviously command a higher salary than one who has two degrees or has been a labor organizer for years. It is not that a skilled social activism advocate with years of experience is necessarily more effective than a newbie who has been involved in the same struggle for only a few months. The skill of the organizer is measured by the skills and knowledge that she or he possesses and not necessarily by the salary that he or she receives.

    Not all people in the world who wish to make social change get to be activists. In the United States, an advocacy group that wants to empower women would not likely require an advocate to help them accomplish their goal. If an advocate were asked to contribute funds, time, and effort towards social movements, the average salary would reflect this. However, even though agency of an advocate may not demand any monetary compensation, the importance of the work of such an individual is often undervalued. There are many people who take part in activism as a way of social work and in the future may come a time when that trend is no longer relevant.

    The salary ranges for disability advocates in the United States are usually in the mid-range, which represents the earning potential of such a person. These advocates are generally not highly educated, but they do not have a bachelor’s degree either. Rather than focusing on the lack of education, it is important to recognize the value that disability advocates bring to the table with their determination to empower people who are disadvantaged in life. With their commitment to social work, these advocates play an important role in the progress and success of many people.