• Ankersen Crowley posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago

    What is an Activist? Activists are people who work to change a society, trying to make it a better place by any means necessary. In order to become a successful activist or leader, an individual must be committed to a particular cause, be effective at convincing others to support the cause and be skilled at persuading others to act on their beliefs. A lot of young people nowadays are getting involved with many different causes but few know what an activist is. The following explanation will attempt to define what an activist is.

    Teju is a form of South Korean Buddhism, which originated in the tenth century. The name Teju comes from two words: “tu” meaning sun or bright light and “jung” meaning harmony. Due to its popularity in the Buddhist culture, the term has now been expanded to include all forms of activism and personal life. Some other terms associated with the ideology of Teju are sun worship, limitless devotion and goodness, all of which are used to describe the philosophy of change.

    Activists may belong to any group dealing with social justice issues. For instance, environmental activists might be called environmentalists, animal rights activists or animal liberationists. Activists can also go beyond just affecting societal change and create cultural change as well. Some may decide to get involved with political activism as part of their beliefs, while others choose to go beyond that into cultural change. However they choose to get involved, becoming an active part of various movements and becoming a true activist are all still part of the philosophy of Tejuism.

    The philosophy of Tejuism is very similar to Buddhism, in that it consists of respecting others beliefs regardless of their different religious or cultural backgrounds. For this reason, some environmentalists might have embraced Tejuism and become eco-feminists, for instance. At the same time, some animal rights activists would be considered environmentalists, while veganism might be their political affiliation. Activists who choose to use this philosophy often respect other beliefs but do it in a respectful way. In effect, they say that those who practice veganism are really just compassionate people who want to help the earth in one way or another.

    Activists practicing Tejuism believe that all forms of action must have a social purpose. This means that the actions taken are not motivated by personal gain, but rather that of making a difference in the world around them. Being an activist is part of this philosophy. Activists use many different tactics in order to bring about change. They may use protests, petitions, rallies and social media campaigns in order to spread the word about various issues. They will also use blogs and other forms of social media in order to promote awareness and discussion about their activism.

    However, in order to succeed as an activist investor, you will need to be skilled at multi-tasking. As an advocate for one cause, you may be happy to sit in meetings with management and discuss issues. However, you will also need to be skilled in speaking out in front of the board of directors or management and addressing employees at the work place. You may need to speak at a town hall meeting or relay your message to local newspapers. Agency can carry off your messages, the better chance you have of being taken seriously by the corporate managers. By using a combination of skills and tactics, you can effectively use what is called “systemic change” in order to affect change in public companies.

    There are Agency of activists: institutional investors and individual investors. Agency are groups of people such as pension funds, wealthy individuals and insurance companies who pool money together in order to buy shares of stock. By purchasing a large number of shares, they can greatly impact the price of a given stock. However, most institutional investors do not actively participate in short-term trading. This type of investment strategy is usually utilized by wealthy individuals who have the capital to engage in short-term trading.

    Activist hedge fund activism occurs when activists try to make demands of publicly traded corporations with the goal of forcing the corporation into negotiations. If the corporation is unwilling to make changes, the activists can take their efforts to larger levels by taking their demands to court. The ultimate goal of this type of activism is to force a company into negotiations with the goal of achieving a higher capital allocation from the corporation. As discussed previously, the most successful activist investor strategies involve working with large groups of institutional investors. Large capital allocations can significantly impact the price of a given stock.