• Rahbek McDougall posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago

    Identity checks are a crucial part of the onboarding and hiring process, which allow you to know precise details about the prospective hiring individual. An identity check is a necessary tool to check the required personal information necessary to proceed with the application. The amount of time spent verifying personal information and the right information relative to that can be incredibly tedious and confusing. With that in mind, there is a need to develop identity checks which can streamline and make the process of assessing identity much more efficient.

    One of the most common types of identity checks is conducted on people undergoing employment screening. This is especially important for recruiting agencies as most employment agencies require applicants to submit biometric data in order to conduct a thorough background search on them. A simple way of doing this is through PeopleTrail identity verification software which not only provides an accurate but comprehensive picture of an applicant’s past, present and future lives.

    Biometric data, as mentioned above, is one of the most significant pieces of information an employer needs to go by in assessing an applicant’s eligibility to work. While some people may want to minimize their risks in hiring someone based on their race, gender or ethnicity, it is still important to keep these factors in mind. With that said, some employers may want to consider a set of identity checks to reduce their risk related to applicants’ possible criminal or fraudulent activities. There are many different types of identity checks and it can be difficult for an employer to keep up with the frequency and depth of each type. Therefore, having software that is able to perform a set of different checks can help you analyze your applicant pool more effectively.

    Other typical identity checks which may be conducted include verification of an applicant’s Social Security number, verification of employment history and an attempt to contact former employers. Many organizations conduct a thorough background search of potential candidates before they send them a personal request for an interview or proposal. It is also common for companies to request additional information from applicants they are considering hiring. For instance, some companies may want to know about any military or criminal history of an applicant has. They may ask for permission to contact financial lenders, former employers or other third parties. With that said, requesting that a prospective employee to provide a Social Security number rather than providing a full name may be the best option available in many circumstances.

    It is important to understand that the majority of employers take identity checks very seriously. marketing to rising identity theft concerns, it is becoming increasingly common for companies to ask applicants to complete a detailed application prior to being offered an interview. Additionally, many hiring managers prefer to perform a background check as part of their overall hiring process. Some companies will also make use of databases provided by third-party vendors to cross-reference applicants’ resumes with public records and verify residency and other information.

    Although it is possible to perform basic identity verification through the employment application process, some employers opt to go a step further. Many companies now utilize what are termed “hiring risk indicators” to narrow down the field of candidates who are most likely to become a productive part of their company. Typically, these indicators require applicants to supply a credit score, employment history, driving records, criminal history, educational history, and other information that is deemed relevant by the company. Depending on the type of business, some hiring managers may also want to consider the number of years the applicant has worked for the company, their level of experience in the field, their relationship with management, and other key questions.

    Because identity checks have become so common in today’s business environment, many businesses are trying to save money by bypassing the entire identity verification screening process. This approach is not without risk, as there is no fool-proof method for eliminating all human error. However, businesses that are able to eliminate the need to conduct their own verification, by using external organizations to provide them with appropriate customer service, can dramatically reduce their potential for customer dissatisfaction and loss.

    Unfortunately, performing the necessary background checks that are necessary to prevent identity theft is often very expensive. For example, doing a comprehensive check on potential employees can cost a company anywhere from several thousand dollars to several million dollars. While companies in some niches such as professional services or IT can pay thousands of dollars for each potential employee, businesses in other areas such as retail may only be able to afford a few hundred dollars per potential employee. For smaller businesses, this cost can add up to a significant amount of money. Fortunately, using external resources such as peopletrail can significantly reduce the cost of conducting an identity verification process.