• Rodgers Hutchinson posted an update 2 years ago

    If you have an Internet business or if you are planning on starting one, you definitely need to consider Google Local SEO and other Google Local SEO strategies. Why? Because these can increase your business’s profitability and your bottom line (and they can do this without you having to do much work at all). Local search engine optimization is very similar to organic SEO in that it’s also an ongoing process impacting the visibility of a site or a particular webpage on the first (or even second) paid results of a search engine called the Google Local Search Results. However, the process is slightly different because while organic SEO works by driving quality traffic to a site, local SEO works by optimizing the content on a particular webpage – the home page – so that the site is more visible and ranked higher on the results pages.

    Why does that matter? It matters because Google understands that the first (or even second) result for a keyword is going to be in the top position for a particular set of queries. Therefore, if you optimize your page for that keyword but you don’t focus on other high-end keywords that you think will perform better on the site, then you won’t see much of a benefit from the effort. But if you optimize your page for the low-end keywords you think will perform better, then you’ll get a much greater ROI.

    There are several differences between organic and local SEO. Organic SEO is centered around the quality of content on a site – in other words, if your content is good enough, Google will love you. It doesn’t matter how that content is found; it just has to be good. With local seo , however, you have to play by Google’s rules: certain criteria must be met in order to gain a higher ranking.

    The first difference between the two methods is the geo qualification. Organic SEO relies largely on the volume of local search queries performed each month. You must target searches within a specific distance from you. That distance may be based on the location of your actual physical location, but it could also be based on the location of your product or service.

    Local SEO, on the other hand, places greater emphasis on geo modifiers. Geo modifiers are terms that describe a specific region. If an advertiser is offering a service or product to consumers in the state of New York, then he would most likely want his ad to appear on Google map results for users who search in the same state as his store. This, in effect, would mean that if someone searches for pizza in the state of New York, he will be shown ads that direct him to a search results page where he can find pizza. A traditional seo campaign, on the other hand, will not take such a drastic route.

    One of the simplest and most effective local seo tips is to use a geo-targeting template. A geo area allows advertisers and web developers to specify and limit the keywords that appear on their website. The new keywords can also be specific to certain geographic regions. For example, a campaign that targets only Toronto area businesses instead of putting ads on other websites targeting customers in other cities (such as Boston, Chicago or Houston) increases the chances of visitors from these cities actually finding your website. The formula is quite simple: the higher your search results rankings are, the more likely people are to click on the links on your website.

    When using the geo-targeting method, however, you should make sure that your advertisements do not appear on search results for low volume or spam keywords. It is also important to not overload the meta tags and descriptions field on your website. This will result in your site being unnecessarily listed and will hurt your chances of being found in the search results pages. The best thing to do is to test different combinations of traditional and geo-targeting techniques until you find the combination that gives you the highest results rankings on each individual keyword. Once you have the best combination, stick with it.

    On the topic of search results rankings, a great way to benefit from Google’s new geo signals is to submit your website to the Google Local map service. Through the service, users searching for local listings will be shown your website even if your physical location is miles away from where they are searching. You can get the Google map tools installed on your website in minutes by signing up with Google’s website hosting service. If you have signed up for the Google Local platform, then chances are that your site has already been placed within the maps database.