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Zusammen mit einer Gruppe von weiteren Spielern schaffte es der deutsche Twitch-Streamer Teo1904, das Max-Level 99 innerhalb von nur 8 Tagen zu erreichen (via reddit).Damit ist er der erste Spieler weltweit d2r items for sale, der das hinbekommen hat. User im reddit reiben sich da die Augen und fragen: ?Wie zur H?lle ist das m?glich?”

Den neuesten Patch stellt Diablo 2 Resurrected im Trailer vor:Spieler widmet seinen Erfolg einem verstorbenen Diablo-Speedrunner Wie hat er das geschafft? Fur diesen wahnsinnigen Erfolg musste Teo1904 ganze 19 Stunden t?glich spielen. Insgesamt brauchte der Spieler 138 Stunden. Alleine um von Level 98 auf Level 99 zu kommen, musste er uber 28 Stunden spielen.

In the past few months, Sony is accelerating its newly formed PlayStation Productions. The company is currently working on at minimum 7 projects that are known, many of which are in the beginning stages of being an idea that was sketched on whiteboards.

Some of them have been shot, others are preparing to shoot and others are in the process of writing scripts You get the picture. It’s safe to say that PlayStation is very committed to this project which isn’t something that can be said about a lot of other studios trying to make video games more adaptable.

PlayStation Productions released its first project in the last quarter of this year with Uncharted, which has been a long time coming. Uncharted. Film adaptations of Naughty Dog’s cult game was in the process for more than 10 years Best place to buy D2R items, and has been in discussions with numerous writers, directors, and actors.


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