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To access your stronghold, go to your music sheet menu (F2 by default). Make use of the “Song of Home and Hearth” to be able to travel towards your castle Lost Ark Gold. You can wander around your estate to access its numerous structures and features, but there’s a faster way using Ctrl + 1. This will open a menu that will let you access all of the important features of your fortress through several menus. For decorating your estate, press Ctrl + 2.

The lab is used to unlock new features in your stronghold. The unlocking of new recipes for the workshop, upgrading parts of the stronghold, as well as unlocking new types of ships can be completed from the lab. Research projects can take a long time to complete and typically require ore and wood.

It is possible to create specific structures in your strongholds that give a passive effect. This menu allows you to select which passives you’d like to have to be active at any time. For example platinum founders have a train cosmetic that offers crafting bonuses to build your stronghold.

Unlocked after reaching level 52 The training camp permits you to gradually increase you level for your character. The ability to level up your character up to two levels below your most advanced level character.

For example, if you are level 60 and you want to level your alts to level58 with this system Lost Ark Power leveling. Leveling characters through the training camp can take several months or days depending on the character’s current level as well as your max level. You can still play characters that are learning, making this a free XP farm.

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