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The emotions that are at the helm of this season return to seat the chair, putting bets on a match that strengthens the player’s technique 2k22 mt, boosts dedication and, online, improves the capability to deceive and fool the opponent.

The latest patch notes aim to improve the game’s performance on all consoles, but there are some things that haven’t been noticed. Users have started to exploit the Game’s Post Hook stat, with the internet’s most popular TikTok pushing it to its extreme in a manner that would cause Peter Griffin proud.

A 2K22 TikTok on October 10 , has gone viral with footage of a player always draining hook shots deep, essentially taking the “Post” out of Post Hook. It seems that nearly every time the user is able to do this in the video, they’ve got the Posterizer badge in use. The only exception would be the first shot that was taken.

Although it’s unclear what sort of Center or Power Forward structure the player is using to get these shots off the court most likely, they’re utilizing the commonly ignored Post Hook stat in some way. We’ve seen this kind of ploy only once before in a thrilling and memorable contest between two superstars of basketball in Family Guy.

In the legend-making game of “Double Dribble” between Cleveland Orenthal Brown Sr. and Peter Griffin buy mt nba 2k22, Peter used such an exploit to win the game 18-4. He used his signature “Corner three” shot six times in succession. If you’ve ever played 2K22 against a skilled Sharpshooting guard this video may be very real to you.

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