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    Sustanon '250' is an androgenic solution for intra-muscular injection. In general, dosage should be adjusted according to the response of the individual patient. Usually, one injection of 1 ml per three weeks is adequate for sustanon '250'. Sustanon '250' should be administered by deep intramuscular injection. Hello everyone im going to start my first cycle in two weeks. Im keeping it real simple with 500 mgs. Of sustanon a week for 12 weeks. Ive done alot of recearch and cant quite figure out what exactly i should have on hand and take as far as a anti-estrogen or exactly how to do the pct, if even needed for this cycle, if any one could lay that out for me id appreciate it. Sustanon-250 is a popular testosterone mixture and might also be the most well-known blend ever made. It is an injectable steroid that combines the small (short) and large (long) ester testosterone in one compound. 24 years old 6’ 200lbs training since high school. My routine and diet are perfect. Post cycle therapy or “pct” is an essential process that people go through once they’ve finished a cycle of steroids. The objective is to get their body back to its normal state so it can start naturally producing hormones again. Once a run of steroids is over, a user will start their post-cycle therapy. What is sustanon 250? the interview. Summary – the pros and cons of sustanon 250. Legal alternatives to sustanon 25. What is sustanon 250? sustanon 250 uses a unique blend of 4 natural, fast and slow releasing testosterones to help users to bulk; gain muscle mass; recover faster and keep their body in an anabolic state. Beginner sustanon 250 doses are in the range of 300 – 500mg weekly, which is also the standard beginner dose of any and all testosterone cycles and this dose range should be sufficient enough to provide some dramatic gains even on the lowest number in the range given. ️ sustanon 250 is a brand name for testosterone. ️ the injections are usually given once every three weeks. I currently have nothing for pct but i am not going to begin my cycle till i have everything ready(i dont want to fuck myself up) my plan is 1 shot of sus 250 a week for 10 while daily taking anavar 40mg a day for the first 6 weeks. I was thinking of adding d bol daily for first 2 weeks. Sustanon 250 is a testosterone hormone. Although synthetic it is a perfect replica of the naturally produced primary male androgen testosterone. By the esters that are attached, this is what defines sustanon 250 and differentiates it from other testosterone compounds. The compound carries a mixture of small and large esters in a precise dose. Sustanon 250 cycle & dosage. Interesting to note, is that it is also possible to get sustanon 250. Sustanon 250 is essentially the same substance but the difference is the amount of testosterone you get per 1ml. Sustanon 350 will get you 350mg of testosterone for every 1ml, while 250 will get you 250ml 

    I believe a nice-looking, well defined body should be the result and not the primary purpose of any physical activity. Also, appearance shall never override health and yes, I fully agree with Matt, supplements can be harmful over time. Having said that, if men of modest height want to appear taller, it is a great asset to develop a slim waist and large shoulders: this V-shape will boost the tapered look our clothes give us. A good gym coach can show you the according exercises, sus 250 pct. As far as I am concerned, rather than just lifting weights, I favor dynamic exercises like Kettlebell-Swings or working out on a power rack while standing on a balance board or rubber mat.  
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