• Sosa Smidt posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago

    You want to start building your email marketing campaign and you want to find the best email list rental companies. You may think it is difficult to find them or that it will take too much time. You probably also believe you can simply rent the lists from one company and get all your leads from there. But that isn’t the case.

    The best marketing strategies involve getting as many leads as possible and building the greatest relationship with your subscribers over time. This is what makes your business more successful and your profits higher. The best email list rental companies will tell you this upfront. They won’t make your job any harder, but they might add additional steps to the process that are worth taking note of.

    When you buy a subscription through an email marketing service you should always know how long it is going to take you to generate the results you want. Some companies have a long reported average time for lead generation, some have a reported average time for direct mail marketing , but none have a guaranteed time. The best email marketing services will be able to give you an idea of how you are progressing and will be able to advise you on how to go about your email marketing strategy. This information is invaluable.

    The most common issue people have with email marketing campaigns is not having enough subscribers. How do you know how many subscribers to expect when you build your email list rental package? A good way is to ask your list provider for their current numbers. Better yet ask them to provide you with a detailed report of the number of subscribers who opted-in, how many of those subscribers are actively marketing with your company and the average estimated reading time for those subscribers.

    Email list rental companies will all offer different statistics in terms of what they consider “active” subscribers. They use different metrics, some are more strict than others. You need to be very careful here as there can be many potential pitfalls if you choose the wrong metric. For example some companies will only count subscribers who opted-in, while others will count anyone who sends unsolicited bulk email, regardless of whether you initiated the communication. There are even some email marketing campaigns that simply send out unsolicited bulk emails and make no attempt to contact the recipients.

    One way to avoid pitfalls is to invest in a detailed list that includes both subscriber demographics and active email addresses. The best email marketing service will include these details in every phase of the subscriber’s experience. This is especially true for the first time visitors to a website. A good list broker will also be able to provide you with statistics that show how many of the first ten contacts resulted in sales, traffic and cost per conversion.

    You should also be aware of whether or not the list is managed, hosted or sold by a third party. In many instances, you’ll be charged for each contact that you send. This means that buying a mailing list from one of the email marketing companies on the list will always cost less than buying it from the company hosting it. Similarly, many mailing list services charge per contact, so paying to buy business from them won’t necessarily save you any money. On the other hand, many of the rental companies charge based on the number of contacts that they host, so buying a list from them may actually end up costing you more than renting from another provider.

    Another way to avoid pitfalls when it comes to buying a mailing list from a list broker is to find a reputable one by doing the necessary research. Some brokers who work with large email databases are willing to provide a detailed analysis of customer service and contact tracking. You’ll want to know if their databases show more than just a name and an email address; you’ll also want to know how their customer service ranks and if their databases show more than just a name. A reputable online database of list brokers can make the difference between getting a cheap, low quality list and getting a list that will help you grow your business by bringing in new customers and reducing your overhead costs.