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  • A Digital Stock Certificate is a record of the ownership of stocks, as issued by the company. The name “Certificates” comes from the records that company filed in the Securities and Exchange Commission. These records list the stocks that have been issued on an agreed date for distribution. They also show the total number of shares outstanding at…[Read more]

  • A cap table is basically a legal document defining your startup’s equity structure. The term “cap table” is used to describe the difference between your startup’s capital structure and the structure that would be established by traditional methodologies. Technically, a cap table is simply an application listing the type of equity that you plan to…[Read more]

  • Many of us have heard of digital stock certificates, and may even own one or more of them. If you are new to the world of business ownership, however, you may not know much about them. Basically, certificates act as guarantees for stock ownership. Anyone who owns stock can issue a certificate to another person, called a registrant. The certificate…[Read more]

  • When it comes to selling my Cap Table, the first thing I tell my clients is that I am not a writer. It is a fact. For years, I have managed a team of professionals who each write and submit several Cap Sheets, each attracting specific buyers. Some are seasoned professionals with many years of experience. Others are new to the game.

    My…[Read more]

  • The purpose of digital certificate management is to gather, classify, standardize, streamline, and consistently upgrade certificate application and /or web-based host data, ensure compliance, security, and availability during certificate life-cycle management using automated certificate approval and response. Certificate is a web-based approval…[Read more]

  • Connell Mccarty became a registered member 2 years, 6 months ago

Connell Mccarty

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Active 2 years, 6 months ago