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William Mark


The ESL Writer’s Guide to a Logical Organization in Paragraphing


Like a word or a sentence, a paragraph is a unit of meaning. As a word, it can be short or long, accessible, or paper writing service. As a sentence, it can be loose and fluid or dense. Also, like words and sentences, a paragraph serves many purposes. It helps set a rhythm and pace. The end of a sentence suggests that the reader stop for a breath. The end of a paragraph suggests two or three breaths and signals the coming modification of an idea — an expansion or elaboration or clarification, a change of direction, even, in some cases, an emphasis, as when the following paragraph is a single word or phrase.


It also is a graphic element. It helps break up the Gray of a page and makes a story, essay, or article easier to read. Use paragraphs to signal and strengthen your relationship with the reader, the way you use gestures and facial expressions to help guide a conversation “write my essay” and communicate meaning effectively, compellingly, and companionably. Don’t worry too much about stock rules and prescriptions unless you’re required to follow some formal style guide or a teacher’s classroom pronouncements. Paragraphs, like words and sentences. should arise naturally. Remember breath. When you feel as if you want or have to pause — for meaning’s sake or for effect, start a new paragraph.


Topic Sentence:


The main purpose that a topic sentence serves is to convey the gist of a paragraph to the readers. It has to be clear; it has to be straightforward. It must not drift away from the thesis statement, by any means. The following example would help get acquainted with the idea of topic sentence.


Let suppose, you are to write an essay on the issues of global warming, wherein you try to establish the validity of the fact that global warming is one of the many effects of pollution. More so, you plan to prove your thesis from the climatologist’s point of view that temperature rises due to the increased quantity of write essay for me. In such a scenario, you can write your topic sentence as: “According to climatologists, the temperature rises due to increased quantity of sulfur in the lake water”. Following your topic sentence, you can delve into the technical details of what you claimed in your topic sentence.  You won’t need to ask anyone “what is a topic sentence?”, If you have understood the above example.


Say one thing: 


Strive to make one point and one point only in one paragraph. Resist the temptation to squeeze multiple points in your paragraph. Ask yourself: “If the reader takes away one thing from reading my paragraph, what would that be?” Focus on that.


Stay upfront: 


Assume a reader has 15–20 seconds to read your paragraph. The paragraph’s first sentence is the sentence you will write if you can only write one sentence. Don’t waste your reader’s time. Learn to write a kick-ass topic sentence.


Do not assume:


Don’t presuppose prior knowledge. Everything must be explained. This is extremely important in explanatory paragraphs “write my essay for me“. To go from A to F, you need to take the reader from A to B, then to C, D, E, and finally F. Even if it’s the smallest of details, write it out. Assume nothing.


More Resources:


Interesting Topic Ideas for Reflective Essays – 2021


Grouping Essay – Definition, Tips, and Example 2021


Essay Book Report with Outline: 2021

William Mark

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Active 3 years, 9 months ago