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Anabolic steroids are synthetic (man-made) versions of testosterone that are used to increase muscle size. Anabolic steroids are hormones that promote muscle growth and increase strength and energy. Oral anabolic steroids are man-made drugs that act like testosterone. Common side effects are aggression, rage, violence, stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and breast enlargement in males. They are used to treat breast cancer, anemia, side effects from aids or hiv, and delayed puberty in boys, and testosterone deficiency. This type of drug is commonly abused. Pills vs liquid. Like many anabolic steroids, anavar comes in both liquid or pill form. The price for liquid anavar may be slightly higher than the tablet form. Liquid forms offer the advantage of varying dosages according to an individual’s need at a specific time. Hey guys i read a few days ago about someone haveing some very small red pills with a speckled appearance, but i cant ifnd the thread anymore. I just got some and i dont know who sent it. Wasnt expecting a pack. Did the thread say what the pill was?
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