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  • Once a musician (of any age) starts writing and playing his or her own songs, or joins a band and starts playing in front of actual people, it’s not just before the urge to get some of this music recorded for the ages begins to stay in. After all, why write a song if the sole method to play it for someone usually grab your guitar and actually,…[Read more]

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  • RnB (also in order to R&B or Rhythm and Blues) can be a very popular music genre that combines jazz, blues and gospel influences. This first performed by African American animators. Because of the popularity increasing your many musicians producing RnB beats hunting to make a living out of the following. A beat or instrumental is really a song…[Read more]

  • Gunn Sharma became a registered member 2 years, 1 month ago

Gunn Sharma

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Active 2 years, 1 month ago