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  • When you are ready to start submitting websites to the Google webmaster program, one of the first things you’ll need to do is create a Google social Impact account. In case you didn’t already know, Google now allows webmasters to submit articles and videos for the Google webmaster program’s publishers category using an enhanced version of the site…[Read more]

  • What is a social change agency and how can it benefit nonprofits in their quest for sustainability? The concept behind such an organization is the idea that people, who care deeply about other people’s lives and want to make a difference, can do so by working on pressing issues that affect the people who live among them. These people come together…[Read more]

  • With Google’s recent acquisition of Zagat and Thrive, it seems that Google might be ready to roll out another major social network competitor. The idea is still up in the air, but if reports are true, then we could very well see Google Me, or possibly Google Buzz, headed by Yahoo in a few years. One reason why I think this could be happening is…[Read more]

  • With Google’s new product, Google+ you can share your written work with the world. Google’s latest offering lets anyone write a blog that can be shared by readers across the internet, no matter how they read. This is a big deal because it may help future technology and writing opportunities. Here are some things to read about Google+ and Google’s…[Read more]

  • If you have old furniture that you would like to get rid of, you will want to find a place where to donate it. This is where to donate furniture comes into play. agency can be very overwhelming when you are faced with getting rid of things. So, if agency have furniture that you would like to get rid of; find a place to do this.

    One option…[Read more]

  • Bertram Langley became a registered member 2 years, 1 month ago

Bertram Langley

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Active 2 years, 1 month ago