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  • banking is a great way to simplify the complex process of loan approval. By collecting and tracking data in one place, it is possible to automate many tasks and ensure compliance with lending regulations. This type of software can also help borrowers and lenders avoid costly errors by preventing lost data and identifying gaps in their processes.…[Read more]

  • Automating the loan participation process is a smart way to cut costs and improve efficiency. Using a single platform to manage all loan participations is one way to reduce paperwork and save time. This solution also helps participants share documents. The automated loan process eliminates weeks of manual paper work and e-signing. With these…[Read more]

  • A Construction Loan Administrator (CLA) is an important role in a financial institution. This person is responsible for a portfolio of construction loans and maintains beneficial liaisons with customers, Relationship Managers, and outside professionals. This person is evaluated on accuracy, timeliness, productivity, and customer satisfaction. The…[Read more]

  • The loan participation process is not new, but credit unions need to make changes to their manual processes. The process can be slow and require lengthy documents to be reviewed. However, automation has become so prevalent across industries and in our daily lives, that it is inevitable that the loan participation process will also undergo some…[Read more]

  • Previously, managing the flow of customer documents into the bank was a manual process. New documents poured in every year, and they had to be manually scanned and distributed. Now, loan participation automation can automate the entire process. One of the key features of the Loan Participation module is the ability to connect with participating…[Read more]

  • Gertsen Singleton became a registered member 2 years, 2 months ago

Gertsen Singleton

Profile picture of Gertsen Singleton


Active 2 years, 2 months ago