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  • Using the right loan participation software can make your business run more smoothly. Many of these applications can automate the entire loan participation process. A Participate module for example, can track over $1.8 billion of loan participations. The software can also track pro-rata shares, documents, funding, and payment transaction details.…[Read more]

  • Loan participation software helps streamline the process of approving loans . Using this software, you can automatically add participating banks and participants into your account. The software also allows you to set a percentage of participation for each participating bank or contact. Once you’ve added a bank or participant, you can create…[Read more]

  • Construction loan management is an integral part of the construction process. Without a centralized system, managing these loans can become time-consuming and costly. Many lenders require multiple steps in the process, resulting in errors, frustration, and wasted time. These problems make managing construction loans difficult and risky. A…[Read more]

  • New advances in loan participation technology are making the process easier for all parties involved. For instance, ALIRO streamlines the participation process by providing onboarding and due diligence documentation directly on the platform. These advancements mean less manual work and transaction costs for participants. This in turn will…[Read more]

  • Loan participation technology can make the process of making loans more efficient. With advanced features, it can help lenders manage costs and profits while improving quality of relationships. It also helps lead institutions increase their efficiency, which benefits them in terms of profitability. This means that they can offer more services to…[Read more]

  • Cortez Hester became a registered member 2 years, 1 month ago

Cortez Hester

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Active 2 years, 1 month ago