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  • Christian Gross posted an update 2 years ago

    Blackjack is a type of game that can be played with two players. That means you’re just playing with the dealer. To win, you have to understand the three-to-two rule. This means that for every $2 you wager you’ll get $3. Even though this gives the house slightly better odds, it is still able to make it profitable to bet on this type of game. To…[Read more]

  • The Pai Cow is the scientific name for the Ural (ursal) Cow, native to the tundra climates of Mongolia, China, and Tibet. Pai simply means “striking and swelling”. A liver tonic is often called longa. It is the result a cross of a stag & a she-cattle. It is classified as a grass, even though it is not actually an animal.

    The Cow’s body contains…[Read more]

  • Rouleete located in England is a tiny mountain town that lies on the River Rhone. In reality, it is named as after the famous German princess or king, and is renowned for its location within the Loire Valley. It was an area where wealthy people were able to gather for fishing and a place to take part in the game. But it is now recognized as a spot…[Read more]

  • If you’re looking to play roulette there is no better option than Rouleete. It is actually regarded as the most popular and typical way of playing roulette today. Rouleete is a traditional way to spin a circle of balls in tight loops. The reason why it is so popular is because it is very easy to utilize and results in an excellent…[Read more]

  • Christian Gross became a registered member 2 years, 2 months ago

Christian Gross

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Active 2 years ago