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Keep your house clean with the Shark vacuum Nv360!


Are you lost among hundreds of vacuum models in the supermarket? You don’t know what is the most suitable vacuum you should buy when you click the E-commercial website. To determine quickly, please refer to our information in the below post.


In this post, we are pleased to introduce one of the best-seller products from the best household brand – Shark. It is the Shark navigator lift-away deluxe Nv360 upright vacuum.


A vacuum for people with allergies


If you are a healthy person, easy to choose everything in your house. Any vacuum cleaner is suitable for you. But there is someone in your family who is suffered from allergies, which vacuum cleaner you should choose? In this case, a blue Shark vacuum – Shark navigator lift-away deluxe Nv360 is for you. Why do we say that?


This vacuum has outstanding filtration. They are two pre-motor filters and a post-motor. The post-motor is an Anti-Allergen HEPA filter. These filters increase Shark model Nv360’s performance. They can capture and traps over 90% of dust and allergens.


After capturing, the structure of the filter prevents them from escaping back into the air. So, the air around you, in your house becomes fresh. No allergy appears. It means you and members of your family are healthier.


Easy to maneuver


The design of the Shark 360 vacuum allows it to move smoothly. You can run it back & forward, up and down without much effort. Its dynamic swivel steering provides excellent control when it runs around furniture and other obstacles.


Its weight is not so heavy – just 15.96 pounds. Therefore, most people can control it. You can transport this vacuum on the stair. Moreover, you don’t need to carry the whole vacuum. Just carry the pod and get the lightweight clean.


Clean effectively


The Shark Model Nv360 has a wonderful brush roll. You can switch off this spinning brush roll when your vacuum cleaner runs on the bare floor.


This vacuum model is designed with upright mode and lift-away mode. It is very flexible when in operation. In our house, we have different areas: furniture, hard floor, carpets, curtain, lampshades…The surfaces of these areas are not the same. If your vacuum has only one mode, it is difficult to clean in the most effective way.


With NV360 Shark navigator lift away upright vacuum, you can change the mode to increase the vacuum’s performance. When you clean the carpets and hard floors, you use the upright mode. And then, to vacuum the stairs, or hard-to-reach areas, change to the lift-away mode.


Clean more effectively with attachments


Shark Navigator 360 is equipped with some tools. They are crevice tools, dusting brushes. These tools increase the vacuum’s performance. Crevice tool helps you to clean between cushions, under the baseboards, or reach to tight areas and remove dust, dirt inside.


The dusting brush is a useful tool for you to capture and pick up all of the pet hair in your house. It allows you to clean lamp shades, surfaces of furniture, bookshelves…


If you buy a Shark Navigator Lift-away Nv360, you will not be disappointed. Your house is always tidy and the air is fresh. Everyone feels comfortable and healthier. So, don’t hesitate to buy this vacuum! And if you want to get more information about it, please read more in Shark Navigator Lift Away reviews.


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